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No Purpose Question

Independent/Serious VR Game (2023)

Oculus Quest 2, Unreal Engine 4, 3Ds Max, ZBrush, Substance Painter



VR needs serious games!

No Purpose Question is a first-person VR exploration game set in a dream world. The narrative is a personal and intimate journal through a dream, pieced together through the progressive distortion scene and the discussion of explorational meaningless. The game combines antiintentionality with a deep philosophical exploration of nihilism, challenging players to question the very nature of purpose and meaning.

Are you walking out of the maze?


Game Page & Download

Thesis & Game Design Document

Full Gameplay Recording Video

Artistic Statement

"No Purpose Question" is an experimental VR game set in a maze-like dream world, where players embark on a personal and introspective journey.  The gameplay revolves around solving puzzles to light up the environment, metaphorically illuminating the path of existential exploration. This journey is not just about navigating physical mazes but also delves into the philosophical realm of nihilism. The game challenges players to reflect on the essence of purpose and meaning, blending immersive gameplay with deep, thought-provoking inquiries.


At its core, "No Purpose Question" addresses the concept of nihilism - the belief that life lacks objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. However, it goes beyond traditional interpretations by exploring how to live with such a philosophy. It posits that while defining meaning may be meaningless, the present moments are precious, offering a nuanced take on existentialism. The narrative, conveyed through the voices of two contrasting narrators, guides players through a journey of self-discovery, challenging them to contemplate their existence and the pursuit of meaning.


The game's mechanics are ingeniously designed to reflect its philosophical themes. As players progress, the initial focus on solving puzzles gradually shifts, representing the journey from actively seeking meaning to recognizing the potential futility of this search. This change in gameplay dynamics encourages players to move from a goal-oriented mindset to a more contemplative and open-ended experience, mirroring the philosophical transition from the pursuit of meaning to an acceptance of life's inherent ambiguity.


Utilizing VR technology enhances this experience significantly. The immersive nature of VR allows players to fully engage with the game's world, making the philosophical themes more impactful. In VR, players are not just observers but active participants in the narrative, experiencing the existential dilemmas and emotional journeys of the characters more intimately.    This heightened sense of presence amplifies both the intellectual and emotional engagement with the game, making the exploration of nihilism more personal and profound.


"No Purpose Question" represents a bold step in using video games as a medium for artistic and philosophical expression. It invites players to explore a world where the journey and the destination are intertwined in the search for meaning, offering a unique opportunity for reflection on the nature of existence, purpose, and the human condition. Through its innovative use of VR and its thoughtful integration of gameplay and narrative, the game offers a unique perspective on nihilism and existentialism, making it a valuable try into the field of experimental games.

“Defining meaning is meaningless,
every moment of experience is precious”

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